Our Promise To You and Your Child

Our Service Principles

At CASSP, we believe in making meaningful connection with the kids and families we help to serve. CASSP is based on a set of six principles, which are the commitments we make to the children and families we serve.

Child Centered

The child’s strengths and needs will be considered to meet their mental health, social, and physical needs. Services are organized to meet the individual needs of the child.


The family is recognized as the primary support system . Family members will be included regarding the child.


Community supports are discussed and encouraged as a tool to maintain the child with their family and school settings.


Services are planned in collaboration with all of the child-serving systems involved in a child’s life.

Culturally Competent

The families beliefs, ideas, attitudes, values, ideas, language, rituals, ceremonies will be respected and considered in service planning.

Least Restrictive & Least Intrusive

The goal is for services to take place in as natural a setting as possible to meet the child and family's need. 

Connect With Us

Call or email us today for information about CASSP Services or discuss a referral for your child/children.